Centre for Environmental
Legal Studies, RGNUL
About Us
The Centre for Environmental Legal Studies (CELS) was established by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab in 2016 as a research centre tasked with the responsibility of undertaking and encouraging discourse on the wide array of enviro-legal issues faced by humanity, at a domestic, regional and international level. CELS seeks to collaborate with various experts, leading academicians, legislators, and government authorities to raise awareness of environmental concerns and advance legal remedies for the same, while also endeavouring to contribute to the complex and multi-dimensional issues of enviro-legal policy in India.
The Enviro Legal Blog
The CELS newsletter, "CELSights" shall endeavour to publicise and disseminate information related to the activities conducted and research undertaken by the centre. The newsletter will be a quarterly publication to keep a track on recent developments in the field of environmentology and enviro-legal news. Each publication will feature an interview/ publication by a prominent academician/ practitioner/ subject matter expert to gain insight on the intricacies of working in the enviro-legal realm.